Good mood? NO.

It is going to be a volatile day today.

I am not in a good mood.  At all.

Having been up most of the night because a certain child refused to go back to sleep until 4.30am and then proceeded to wake up again at 6.30am.

Now, I’m not a morning person anyway, I may have said that already, but it’s even worse if I’ve hardly had any sleep the night before.


Anyway, I’m up now, time to get breakfast ready.

Oh, for f*cks sake….

Every single ounce of milk in this house appears to have magically gone sour over night.

Is this house against me?!

I only find this out after pouring it on my morning Frosties and making the morning cup of tea.

Yeah, suffice it to say, I’m not happy and today is going to be a very, very, very long day.