
I have moved on from the bike saga now……  It just doesn’t work anymore. *sniff*
(Please feel free to donate to my new bike fund if you so wish!)

I’m in a more sombre mood today.

I’m not sure whether I mentioned, pretty sure I have, but a couple of weeks ago I was given ‘El Boot’ from my current job.  Now, that doesn’t mean clear your desk and get out in this case, as I work for a Government Department.  It’s much more complicated.  And cruel.  I have to now sit here, at my desk, continuing to do the same job I’ve just been told I’m not allowed to do, until at least November.  Merry Christmas!

Then, as there is no replacement for me, I will simply vanish into the pool of other surplus staff.  They haven’t just picked me, thankfully, but we are part of a larger ‘re-structuring’.  It’s going on everywhere nowadays, I’m lucky to have a job really….

Now, I’m a pretty laid back person.  I haven’t really thought about the consequences or my next step, as I don’t really care…… harsh, but honest.  I’ve been in this post since ’05, maybe it is time for a change?  I don’t know.  I got until November to figure that out.

Oh, did I mention that my house is connected with my job?  No?!  Well, a Brucey Bonus.

But, it has brought about a mood of reflection, well, more nostalgia.  Reminiscing of simpler times.  I’m not a huge fan of facebook.  I’ve been a member since the beginning, but my enthusiasm in finding out what everybody is moaning about today has pretty much died out, but it is good for some things.  I get to talk to people I want to talk to.  That sounds a daft thing to say, but I know what I mean.

It’s good to be able to talk to family members, informally and without agenda, and also to link up again with those people you just moved in different circles to.  I’ve been friends with people on facebook because I knew them a long time ago, but never really spoken to them since.  Even on fb.  I don’t know, maybe I’m getting old……

Yesterday, I spoke to someone I haven’t seen in 15 years or so, when I lived in another part of the country.  Because my memory is so shockingly bad, I assume that things that far back never get remembered.  I was amazed that he could recall events I had completely forgotten.  I struggle remembering last week….

You don’t really appreciate how much of an impression you leave on people.  Whether it is good memories or bad ones, you affect people’s lives in ways you don’t always realise.

Do you ever get in those moods?  When you can’t be bothered with the present and enjoy looking back?  No?  Try losing your job, you don’t get the choice!

By the way, I apologise for such a bleak and serious post.  Normal service will be resumed shortly….

Whatcha Thinking?!

Working from Home

Surely that’s enough
I’ve had all I can take
The last hour has been tough

The day had started well
But it has just dragged on and on
Everyone feels the same, I can tell

The filing has all been done
I’ve packed away my belongings
Now is the time that we were gone

Hoping the boss doesn’t see me sitting
Blatantly doing nothing
Looking at the job section, seems quite fitting

The clock appears to be slowing
Maybe it has stopped entirely
It must be time for us all to be going?

Wait for it…. Bang!  That’s it!
Five o’clock means it’s home time
Computer off, coat on, it’s time to flit

Key in the door, the week is complete
Forgot about work and deadlines
Head to the kitchen, find something to eat

Now, there’s nothing to do but sit and look
What now? Watch the telly? Read a book?
Oh hang on, just got to check Facebook….

Slave to the Computer
Check out my other poems here.

Technology and the Young

I’d like to start off by apologising for my own absence, this can be blamed, yes, on technology.  My internet connection has been downright disgraceful, but I suppose that’s what to expect when you live in the middle of nowhere.

Anyway, what is going on with children nowadays and technology?  In the olden days it was the adults who held the power and the magic of machines at their fingertips.  Oh, how it has changed.

I, however, have maintained an interest in technology and like to say that I am quite ‘with it’ compared to some, even in my own age range.  But, this does not hold a candle to the youngsters of today.

I know what an iPod is, I know how to use a computer to a relative high standard, and I have my own library of digital music.  Compare that with a sixteen year old, who not only know what an iPod is but own an iPod, iPad and iMac, can programme and make their own computer, as well write their own digital music.  I’m sure, too, that they do it on purpose, just to make me look inferior.  They do, probably.

I am getting slightly worried though, that my own daughter is already catching up to my level of competence with everything.  She can already use the iPod better than me and if I actually let her play with my phone, I’m pretty sure that she’d be phoning her friends that she met on facebook and twitter.  I swear her twitter name is ‘daddyisrubbishatthis10’.

If it wasn’t for the fact that I’m still better at computers than most of the people older than me, I would be in a padded cell.  Nibbling on a keyboard…