That time already!?!

13 days and counting……

That is how long I have left to prepare for the boys’ birthday. 

Can you believe that the little so and so is going to be one already!?  Yes, one.

It’s unbelievable to think how quickly the past year has gone and disappeared.  I can actually still remember the night he was born and the events preceding, which is astonishing in itself when you take into account how useless my memory is, as if it were only a few weeks ago.

I know it’s all down here from here, but I think we were extremely lucky, yet again, to get such a happy and contented child.  We haven’t really had any problems with him as yet (knock on all wood please) but he still seems a happy chappy.  Must be in the genes….

The daughter was a contented child, until she learnt to talk and think for herself, now every day is full of back chat and the use of the word ‘no’.  That doesn’t particularly go down well…

Anyway, the birthday is fast approaching.  The gifts are being organised by the wife, but I’ve been trying to maybe make my own decorations for the front room.  Only problem is, albeit I’m not completely creative when it comes to making things, what the hell does a one year old like??  I mean, he watches the tv with his sister of a morning when daddy is still waking up, but I couldn’t tell you his favourite.  He watches everything.  Does that mean I have artistic freedom in creating decorations?  I can mix Fireman Sam with Bubble GuppiesOctonauts with Granny Murray?  Tikkabilla with Postman Pat?

I suppose that would make it easier.  Bit odd mind.

Luckily I believe that it will only be the family attending the house so it won’t matter too much, but still.


Oh yeah, forgot to mention, I reckon by the time we get to his first birthday, he should be walking.  He’s pretty much nailed the standing alone unaided bit, and he’s getting pretty quick at walking short distances.  Obviously when he’s tired, he spends more time on the floor than anywhere else, but he’s getting there!!

That’s my boy.

The Boy!

It’s my birthday. Again.

Hello world, it’s me again.

I won’t drone on about absence as I’m sure your all pretty tired of it now. No excuses.

Anyway, today is my birthday, Yep, I’m getting old.  Another year passes by, all too bleeding quickly, and it’s another towards collecting my pension.

It’s no biggie, I’m only 31 now so not quite over the hill and past it, but as you grow older it seems the less important birthdays become.  I remember being young and every birthday being the best thing to ever happen, full of party bags and jelly.

Wind on ten years, the teenage years, with the jelly being replaced with jelly shots of vodka.  Good times.  I’m still having flashbacks of good nights.

Then it’s 18th – Pub.  Then it’s 21st – Pub.

After that it doesn’t seem to matter.  The novelty wears off and the need for presents dwindles because if you want something, you can just go and buy it.  And obviously the older you get, the ‘settling down’ instinct has kicked in.  I got married at 25.  First child when I was 28.  Second child when I was 30.

I don’t need a party, cake or surprises.  I just need sleep.  Lots of sleep.

I’m sure I’m not the only person who thinks of it like this.  Naturally there are those individuals who stay the mental age of 5 and insist on having a bouncy castle every year and who are now 43.

That’s not me.  Give me a cup of tea, a biscuit, Pointless on the telly and five minutes peace.

That’ll do.

And hey, I share the same birthday as the late, great Tommy Cooper.

And Bruce Willis.

Yippee-ky-aye mutha……..

Another Birthday....

Children: Do they have to have a birthday every year?!

I apologise for my absence and lack of posts over the last few days but as the title may suggest, I have been a little preoccupied recently.

Yes, my darling daughter was three yesterday and the last week or so had been booked out for ‘planning’.

By that statement you would probably assume that the whole thing was a large affair with lots of guests, attractions and the odd wild animal.  But you’d be wrong.

The day was a simple one.  Food and drinks, at home, with the family.  Simple.
If you’re organised that is.

I had made the downstairs look all birthdayish, banners balloons and the such, and the presents were wrapped and positioned correctly.  This I can do, by myself whilst watching the telly.

But on the day, I just don’t work well when other people are involved.  Mind you I don’t work well at the best of times, but when it involves cooking it’s best to leave it to other people.  I end up forgetting times, what I’ve cooked and where I left the scissors, or I just end up eating most of it as I go along.

Anyway, all this aside, I think the day went perfectly.  The daughter was delighted with all her presents (her new bike being the favourite), loved the fact that so many people came to her Rapunzel party and ate most of the food on offer.  She was happy.

And a highlight of the day was the specatacular cake that was made and supplied by Aunty Amy.  What little girl would not be astounded to receive a replica Disney castle?! In a hope that she reads this, thank you Amy, you are a very talented genius.

And that’s all that mattered.  And as an added bonus, even after all the food and drink consumed, the usual bedtime was adhered to and it was a relatively peaceful night for everyone.

Now, how does one remove tyre tracks from one’s living room carpet…..

Happy Birthday Rapunzel